New server code and waiter app released 11/05/2015. 

This exciting release introduces fixes and a number of new features in response to feedback from our early supporters.


- Decimals on Tips

The waiter app will allow a tip to be set with 1 decimal place. Calculated and displayed as such on the receipt and guest apps.

- Faster table close process

Previously the flow to close a table was  Session in-progress --> Bill request --> Mark as Paid --> Turn Table

from version 1.3 the final step has been made obsolete. Mark as paid will now also close the session and turn the table in one step (saving 2 clicks). This change is in response to feedback from customers who suggest the inconvenience of additional clicks outweigh the benefits of the 'turn table' step. 

- Detach/move sessions 

 In addition to being able to move tabs to tables, now parties can be moved from table to table or even converted back into a tab. If the seated party grows then additional tables can also be added to the session.

Tab identifier on printed slips

Orders for a tab send to a printer now are identified with the fact that it is a tab and the party name the order is for. 

- Upgrade handling

Epicuri for restaurants is getting smarter at handling upgrades. If it detects it needs an upgrade, it will now prompt you to visit the play store for an update. This allows us to release new features and updates faster and with less downtime. This feature will be improved package by package. 

- Improved API for the website booking widget

In preparation of a new booking widget for websites coming soon! Smarter, more compatible with desktop/mobile browsers and better looking.


-Table numbers disappearing for restaurants with 3+ floors.

-A boat load of other general bugfixes and performance improvements.

Please raise any issues with